Precast Thermal Wall

The wall with integrated formwork and insulation

Precast Thermal Wall is a precast wall with integrated formwork made up of two fine reinforced concrete panels that are connected to each other and held apart by a system of connectors (composite connectors and load-bearing anchors), providing external wall insulation and a central space into which ready-mix concrete can be cast.

This made-to-order structural product is delivered just in time to your work sites, with all the reservations required.

Thermal precast wall : thermal comfort, Fire protection
Thermal precast wall : thermal comfort, Fire protection
Thermal precast wall : thermal comfort, Fire protection
Technical Characteristics(according to current Technical Notice)
Max dimensionsup to 12.34m x 3.80m*
Wall thicknessfrom 28 to 70 cm*
Wall panel thickness6 to 8 cm interior / 6 to 9.5 cm exterior
Insulation6 to 35 cm thick
Uwall0.471 to 0,063 W/m2.K
Concrete classmin. C 40/50
Average weightapprox. 350 kg/m2
Concrete exposure classesXF1; XA3
Fire resistance2H – REI 120
Seismic zoneYes
* depending on production site; please enquire for more information

Précoffré® Thermique, or thermal precast, provides thermal insulation, with insulation on the outside, thus eliminating thermal bridges at slab connections

Its Umur performance varies according to project requirements, up to 0,063 W/m2.K.

A structural product made to measure (up to 12.34m x 3.80m), it integrates all reservations and combines multiple advantages: winter/summer thermal comfort, acoustic comfort, elimination of thermal bridges, insulation protection, air and watertightness, implementation in seismic zones, use in infrastructure, use without building height restrictions and fireproofing up to 2H.

A structural product made to measure (up to 12.34m x 3.80m), it integrates all reservations and combines multiple advantages: winter/summer thermal comfort, acoustic comfort, elimination of thermal bridges, insulation protection, air and watertightness, implementation in seismic zones, use in infrastructure, use without building height restrictions and fireproofing up to 2H.

Schematic diagram

Interactive Hotspots Image

Areas of use

Apartment blocks
Office buildings
Sports, aquatic and arts centres
Silos, retaining walls, sealed structures,
Shell beams, etc.

Low-carbon concrete formulation:


Environmental impact of Precast WallEx-works

Fehr x Materrup : béton d'argile non calcinée

A precast wall for every construction project

Need insulation? Opt for Thermal. Combine exceptional technology and finishing with Architectural. Gain 44% productivity with Integral, the only precast wall that promises ease of installation, while optimising safety and performance on site.








TH Green



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